Public Service Graduate Internship Award

Providing graduate students with a public service opportunity during a period of crisis.


The Graduate College at the University of Illinois has created a new award in order to fund graduate students who are suddenly unfunded for the summer due to the global pandemic.

Inspired by President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal and its public work projects as well as by the university’s own mission, the Graduate College has created the Public Service Graduate Internship Award (PSGIA). This summer experience allows UIC graduate students to serve in the interest of the public good while obtaining valuable “hands-on” experience, albeit virtually. For their public service, recipients will receive virtual experience in academic, administrative, and student service units at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a monetary award.

Faculty and students are the public face of the city’s premier public research university–the PSGIA will take them behind the scenes. Students will build or strengthen skills translatable to their chosen academic or non-academic career path.

Unlike the Provost’s Graduate Internship Award, which incentivizes graduate students to find external opportunities that might lead to employment following graduation, this new initiative provides graduate students with a paid summer appointment and the university’s units will benefit from a different perspective, another set of hands–at no cost to them.

(1) Art History - Alumni Outreach

Host supervisor/contact: Brenda Roman


Possible projects / skills needed:

This project will entail working with the alumni of the Department of Art History in order to provide updated records of their activities and professional accomplishments for our website. One goal will also be to create a supportive and engaged alumni network to provide mentoring and expertise to current students in the department.

Skills: Research, database development

(2) Art History - Online history of public art in Chicago

Host supervisor/contact: Brenda Roman


Possible projects/skills need:

This project involves developing an online history of public art in Chicago to be housed on the Department of Art History website. This digital humanities project may include (online) interviews done with the public, regarding the responses to and experiences of public art.

Skills: Research, database development


To apply: