Kristina Dziedzic Wright
MA, 2005: Contemporary African Art
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Kristina is a PhD candidate in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester. Through comparative case studies of exhibitions in Nairobi and Seoul, her PhD research investigates tensions between art as a facilitator of cultural understanding, driver of economic development and tourism, and conduit for communicating national narratives. KDW has taught writing and art history in South Korea since 2011 and works as an independent curator. She is currently consulting on a project at the National Museums of Kenya to develop a comprehensive heritage management system, digitize the collections and curate an online exhibition.
Selected Publications
Wright, K. (2019) ‘The Museum as Classroom: Expanding the Boundaries of English Language Curriculum in Korea’ in Academics, Artists, and Museums: 21st-Century Partnerships, ed. Irina D. Costache and Clare Kunny. Routledge
Wright, K. (2018) ‘Review of Bryony Onciul, Michelle L. Stefano and Stephanie Hawke (eds), Engaging Heritage, Engaging Communities‘. Museum and Society, Vol 15, No 3
Wright, K. (2016) ‘North Korea on Display in Seoul: The NK Project and Imaginative Engagement through Art in the Twenty-First-Century Museum’. Museological Review, Issue 20
Wright, K. (2009) Art, Culture, and Tourism on an Indian Ocean Island: An Ethnographic Study of Jua Kali Artists in Lamu, Kenya. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press
Wright, K. (2008) ‘Cleverest of the Clever: Coconut Craftsmen in Lamu, Kenya’. Journal of Modern Craft, Vol I, Issue 3