Virginia E. Miller
Associate Professor Emerita of Pre-Columbian and Native American Art
Virginia E. Miller is a Pre-Columbian art historian specializing in the ancient Maya. Her publications include The Frieze of the Palace of the Stuccoes, Acanceh, Yucatan, Mexico and an edited volume, The Role of Gender in Precolumbian Art and Architecture. Her recent research has focused on the art and architecture of Yucatan, particularly at the archaeological site of Chichén Itzá. With a physical anthropologist, she has just co-authored an article on skulls, skull racks, and images of skulls and bones at that site. In her many years of teaching at UIC, she offered classes in Native American, Pre-Columbian, Latin American, African, and Oceanic art. As a Fulbright scholar, she also taught at the Universidad del Valle in Guatemala City and the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán in Mérida, Mexico. In retirement she leads archaeological tours of Maya sites in Mexico and Central America and teaches occasionally at Northwestern University.
PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Art History
MA, University of Texas at Austin, Latin American Studies
BA, McGill University, French