Erin Madarieta
MA 2019
Erin Madarieta's M.A. thesis is titled “A Realist Indigenism: The Political Aesthetics of José Carlos Mariátegui and Amauta.” In 2018, she received a graduate research grant that allowed her to travel to Peru and conduct research in Mariátegui’s personal archives.
Erin began her graduate studies as an Abraham Lincoln Fellow in 2016. Since then, she has presented papers at two UIC symposia, and she has forthcoming talks at the Association for Latin American Art Triennial and the Midwest Art History Society Conference. Currently the Director of Mongerson Gallery in Chicago, she previously served as the Curatorial Graduate Assistant at Gallery 400.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, Minor in Art History, 2012 Thesis: “Archives of Identity: Asier Mendizabal and Ibon Aranberri” Committee: Terri Weissman (Thesis Adviser, Art History), L. Elena Delgado (Spanish)