Catherine Burdick
PhD, 2010: Pre-Columbian Art of Mesoamerica
Catherine is currently an Assistant Professor in the Centro de Investigación en Artes y Humanidades (CIAH) at the Universidad Mayor in Santiago, Chile. She previously held a postdoctoral research position at the Pontificia Universidad Católica in Santiago, Chile. Her current research interests include Latin American painting and cartography, and in 2019 she is carrying out a project on the theme of Chilean botanical illustrations.
Selected Publications
(2018) “Revelando la identidad virreinal en el mundo andino a través de imágenes históricas,” en Estudios Patrimoniales, ed. José de Nordenflycht (Santiago: Editorial UC).
(2018) “An Andean Stoning: Francis as Alter Christus in Viceregal Santiago,” in Visualizing Sensuous Suffering and Affective Pain in Early Modern Europe and the Spanish Americas, eds. Lauren G. Kilroy y Heather Graham (Leiden: Brill), 207–33. https://brill.com/abstract/title/36170
(2017) “The Remedies of the Machi: Visualizing Chilean Medicinal Botanicals in Alonso de Ovalle’s Tabula Geographica (1646),” Colonial Latin American Review 26 (3): 313–334. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10609164.2017.1350471
(2016) “Held Captive by Script: Interpreting ‘Tagged’ Prisoners in Late Classic Maya Sculpture,” Ancient Mesoamerica 27 (1): 31–48. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ancient-mesoamerica/article/held-captive-by-script-interpreting-tagged-prisoners-in-late-classic-maya-sculpture/1E436FDA07A459F1829CE48CDFCF8A9B
(2015) “’Popular Demands Do Not Fit in Ballot Boxes’: Graffiti as Intangible Heritage at the Iglesia de San Francisco, Santiago?,” International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21 (8): 1–22. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13527258.2015.1028963