What are the most meaningless jobs?
Overall, one third of Britons say their job is not making a meaningful contribution to the world
In 2015, a YouGov study found that 37% felt that their job “is not making a meaningful contribution to the world”.
Nine years later, a repeat of that study shows that this figure has since fallen fractionally, to one in three (33%). Most Britons (56%) do feel their job makes a meaningful contribution to the world.
This latest study is conducted with a much larger sample – 5,889 working Britons – allowing us to break the results down by industry to see in which fields the public believe their work has meaning and find their jobs fulfilling.
Those who work in ‘medical and health services’ are the most likely to feel that their job makes a meaningful contribution to the world, at 80%, shortly followed by those in education, at 77%. Only 13% and 16% in these industries respectively feel that their jobs are meaningless.