PhD Candidate Sarah Rogers Morris is named Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellow for 2022-2023

Underwood & Underwood (publisher), Children in geography class viewing stereoscopic photographs, New York, 1908. Stereograph.

This prestigious 12-month external fellowship and appointment begins in June!

Art History PhD Candidate Sarah Rogers Morris was recently named as a Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellow. This 12-month appointment, which begins in June, will support her dissertation research at the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) and National Museum of American History (NMAH). Her project, "Photographic Infrastructures: The Framing of American Architectural Photography, 1890 - 1940," revises the history of American architectural photography by revealing a genealogy of colonial encounters framed by cameras and classrooms. This research situates photographic surveys of infrastructure created for school children and sponsored by imperial, state, and commercial actors between 1890 and 1940 in a transnational history of empire formation. Through a series of global case studies, she investigates the place of visual instruction (the use of images as didactic tools) in a growing movement to expand access to public education, instill feelings of national belonging, and grow the world economy. The Smithsonian's collection of photographs by the Keystone View Company is central to Sarah's research.
Congratulations Sarah!