Hannah Gabois to speak at UChicago conference on “The Future of Capitalism: Neo-Feudalism?”

Welcome and Coffee (8:30-9:00 AM)
Introduction (9:00-9:20 AM)
1. Environment, Governance, Temporality (9:20-10:50 AM)
Hannah Gadbois (UIC): “Going Nowhere at Top Speed: Feudal and Capitalist Temporalities”
Paul Forrester (Yale): “ESG and Asset Manager Capitalism”
Ashima Mittal (UC): “Atmospheric Imperialism and the Reification of Nature”
2. Land, Rent, Financialization (11:00-12:30 PM)
Jack Votava (Northwestern), “In Praise of Debt? Expectational Power and the Causes of Financial Crisis in Argentina”
James Tierney (Kent): “Financialized Farmland”
Adrián de León Arias (Guadalajara): “Tracking some Features of Neo-Feudalism in Thorstein Veblen’s Analytical Contributions”
12:30-1:30PM: Lunch break
3. Humanities Panel (1:30-3:20 PM)
Adam Rensch (BGSU): “Monopoly University: On the Present and Future of Higher Education”
Filippo Petricca (Indiana): TBA
Catherine Liu (UCI): “Diversity and Decadence in the Court of Finance Capital”
4. Political Economy Panel (3:30-4:50 PM)
Radhika Desai (Manitoba): TBA
Michael Hudson (UMKC): “Is the West Regressing into Neofeudalism?”
5. Keynote (5:00-7:00 PM)
Brett Christophers (Uppsala): TBA