Associate Professor Emerita Virginia Miller publishes two new articles

Cover of the Summer 2023 issue of Ancient Mesoamerica

Associate Professor Emerita Virginia Miller has co-authored two new articles:

Vera Tiesler and Virginia E. Miller. "Head, Skulls, and Sacred Scaffolds: New Studies on Ritual Body Processing and Display in Chichen Itza and Beyond." Ancient Mesoamerica vol. 34 no. 2 (Summer 2023): 563-585.

Claudia Brittenham and Virginia E. Miller. "The Triple Legacy of Teotihuacan in Chichén Itzá." In When East Meets West, Volumes I and II Chichen Itza, Tula, and the Postclassic Mesoamerican World, edited by Travis W. Stanton, Karl A. Taube, Jeremy D. Coltman and Nelda I. Marengo Camacho. BAR Publishing, Oxford, UK, 2023. 

Congratulations, Professor Miller!