Mariela Espinoza-Leon, “Seeing Medicine Through Art: Physician Portraits and Public Perception in 18th Century New Spain”
UIC Art History Colloquium
October 27, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
106 Henry Hall & via Zoom
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In the 18th century, an era marked by the influx of Enlightenment ideals from Europe, New Spain embarked on the path to integration into an increasingly cosmopolitan society. Concurrently, the denizens of New Spain began to delineate their own roles and identities within this burgeoning milieu. Licensed physicians, known as “medicos,” found themselves navigating a complex landscape shaped by various influential factors, most notably the presence of the Protomedicato, the medical board of New Spain. In their quest to secure their standing within this hierarchical society, these physicians resorted to the creation of meticulously constructed visual representations, primarily through portraiture, to cultivate an aristocratic image. These images served not only to establish lineages but also to exalt the medical profession and protect it against a plethora of intruders, whether they be domestic or foreign. Nevertheless, despite the polished facade presented by these physicians, it is evident that the public held a contrasting perception of the medical profession. Publicly disseminated images unveil a divergent portrayal of physicians. These contrasting representations not only highlight the escalating tension between religion and science but also the fragmented image that the general public held of medical practitioners. An examination of these divergent images underscores the strategies employed by medical professionals to reconcile seemingly incongruous facets of their practice.
Mariela Espinoza-Leon is a current PhD Candidate in Art History at the University of New Mexico. Her current research interests are focused on the interstices between medical practice, science, art, and identity. She is an alumna from UIC, receiving her MA in Art History in 2020.
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Date posted
Oct 25, 2023
Date updated
Oct 25, 2023